Wild Things: Foursome

This latest entry in the ongoing Wild Things series follows spoiled trust-fund layabout Carson Wheetly (Ashley Parker Angel) as he conspires to get his hands on his dead father’s incredible fortune, with his efforts inevitably complicated by a trio of meddling/complicit women (Jillian Murray’s Brandi, Jessie Nickson’s Linda Dobson, and Marnette Patterson’s Rachel) and a tenacious detective (John Schneider’s Frank Walker). Though the film contains many of the elements associated with the Wild Things brand (eg double-crosses, gratuitous sex, outlandish twists, etc), Wild Things: Foursome primarily comes off as a surprisingly tedious endeavor that boasts so many similarities to its 1998 predecessor that it often feels like a remake (with the big revelation at the movie’s half hour point certainly the most trenchant example of this). It’s consequently not surprising to note that most viewers will have few problems in figuring exactly out where all this is going (and who is betraying whom), and although the film suffers from a pervasively low-rent atmosphere that’s reflected in everything from the flat visuals to the bland performances, the ongoing emphasis on sleaze ensures that Wild Things: Foursome never quite becomes the all-out bore one might’ve expected.

** out of ****

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