Say Anything…

Directed by Cameron Crowe, Say Anything… details the unlikely relationship that forms between outgoing underachiever Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack) and studious introvert Diane Court (Ione Skye) – with the pair’s coupling eventually threatened by Diane’s impending move to England (as well as ongoing issues with her father, John Mahoney’s Jim). First-time filmmaker Crowe does an absolutely stellar job of establishing the affable protagonists and the authentic atmosphere in which they reside, as Say Anything… benefits quite substantially from Cusack and Skye’s note-perfect work here and it’s clear, too, that the electric chemistry between the pair only enhances the predominantly captivating vibe. The movie’s perpetually watchable feel is heightened by its emphasis on truthful, relatable episodes and its smattering of captivating supporting performances, with, in terms of the latter, Mahoney’s consistently stirring turn as Diane’s less-than-scrupulous father ensuring that the picture possesses more depth than most of its teen-friendly brethren. And although the expected fake break-up is exactly as tedious and unnecessary as one might’ve feared, Say Anything… nevertheless packs a formidable punch in its final stretch and closes on an absolutely flawless note – which cements its place as a top-tier entry within a decidedly hit-and-miss genre.

***1/2 out of ****

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