Revenge of the Nerds

Revenge of the Nerds follows friends Lewis (Robert Carradine) and Gilbert (Anthony Edwards) as they arrive at college for their freshman year, with troubles ensuing as the pair, along with other social misfits, are forced to engage in a battle of wits (and pranks) against the school’s jock population. It’s not surprising to note that Revenge of the Nerds has become something of a cult favorite in the years since its 1984 release, as the movie boasts a larger-than-life sensibility that’s reflected in its various attributes – with the unapologetically over-the-top portrayal of the protagonists (and antagonists) certainly the most obvious example of this. There’s little doubt, then, that the movie’s total lack of subtlety grows more and more problematic as time progresses, as it becomes increasingly difficult to work up any genuine interest in or sympathy for the central characters’ exploits (ie these people are all one-dimensional, simplistic caricatures and it is, as such, impossible to care what happens to them). It’s clear, too, that the movie’s almost complete dearth of laughs plays a significant role in its downfall, while the seriously tedious third act, which revolves primarily around the competition between the nerds and jocks, ensures that Revenge of the Nerds concludes on as anticlimactic a note as one could possible envision – thus cementing the film’s place as a one-note comedy that rarely, if ever, lives up to its place as a memorable piece of work.

** out of ****

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