Love and Other Disasters

Love and Other Disasters is an unabashedly cliched and lighthearted romantic comedy that seems to thrive on the conventions of the genre (the ubiquitous fake break-up and a mad dash to the airport both make appearances). Starring Brittany Murphy as Jacks, the movie revolves around the misadventures of several unlucky-in-love figures – including a would-be suitor for Jacks, who unfortunately finds himself pegged as gay and set up with her homosexual roommate. Writer/director Alek Keshishian initially populates Love and Other Disasters with a series of overly quirky characters and generally forces them into overly quirky conversations (eg the therapist that espouses her pro-farting views is undoubtedly a superb example of this). But as the film progresses and Keshishian zeroes in on the complications within the various relationships, it’s difficult not to be drawn into the admittedly predictable shenanigans of these people. The uniformly likeable cast certainly goes a long way towards ensuring the movie’s success, with Murphy particularly effective here (she’s bright and personable and probably deserves better material than this). Cameo appearances by a pair of bonafide stars towards the film’s conclusion leaves the film with an upbeat and feel-good vibe, and it seems likely that Love and Other Disasters is destined to join the ranks of other set-in-London romcoms (prime example Notting Hill is actually referenced by one of the characters).

**1/2 out of ****

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